Welcome to my e-portfolio!

                            Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners.                                                                                                                            –John Holt

Welcome! I want to take a moment to thank you for taking some time from your busy schedule to take a look at my e-portfolio. Please feel free to explore different pages by clicking on the link on the left side menu. I have included some pictures and videos of me being a student teacher. Feel free to take a moment to look at those because they provide a clear understanding of what I learned during my Master’s degree and how I have applied that learning in my teaching.

About me: As a person who was born in India and came to the United States of America in 2014, I feel extremely fortunate to be a part of Hollins University where I gained enough knowledge to be a proud elementary teacher. Being a teacher was the first thing that came to my mind when I was a kid. So when I went to college, I gained bachelor’s degree in education from a recognized university in Punjab, India. After coming to the United States, I knew that I want to continue my lifelong passion so, I joined Hollins University to pursue Master of Arts in Teaching. I will be graduating in December 2017.


I am a hardworking, and dependable person. I like being punctual and love visiting new places. During free time, I watch movies and like to spend quality time with family and friends. I am a good listener, and my friends told me that I always encourage and inspire them.



Teaching Goals:

  • To provide a safe and healthy environment for students.
  • Work towards all-round development of students.
  • Assist my students in developing their innate skills and to walk them become a good citizen, independent human-being, and a self-confident person.